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X-Lite SIP VoIP Softphone 4.0 is a Internet Phone product from http://www.counterpath.com.

CounterPath's X-Lite 4.0 is the market's leading free SIP based softphone available for download.

1. Download and install the phone

Click on: http://www.counterpath.com/x-lite.html

2. Create an account on the soft phone:

Go to "Softphone" button, on the top left corner of the device. Select "Account Settings". 
Enter your information in the fields:

User ID: provided by VoiceMailTel
Domain: sip.voicemailtel.net
Password: provided by VoiceMailTel
Display name: your name
Authorization Name: same as "User ID"
Register with domain and receive incoming calls: must be checked
Send outbound via: Domain must be checked

Xlite sip account.jpg

3. Click OK and start making calls.

Xlite connected.jpg